Ego and the Advertising Industry

Ego and the Advertising Industry:
This is very important, from the point of view of generating a need for a particular product. Besides our basic needs, all other needs are work of the ego. Before you go ahead with this post, I would like you to please go through the post – “Ego – The Greatest Obstacle to Creativity and Innovation”.

Our Egos are making the whole Advertising Industry run. They bombard your mind with information about some beautiful product again and again leading to the formation of another self. 

You have seen advertisements are repeated many times. This is just to make the imagination from vague to concrete and help you to develop another small identity among many other identities of yours. 

They are repeated to make the identity stronger by making your imagination stronger about the product.

Once you develop an Identity, there is again a clash between your so developed  identity and  reality and you start getting uneasy because you do not own the product. 

When you see reality you are sad that you do not own the product, because simultaneously you imagine yourself owning the product. 

This makes you split. No one can remain at ease being split. This becomes a cause for massive trouble. Most of the time you end up buying the product or shift your focus to make another imaginary identity become real, just for the sake of avoiding it. But the identity once formed, does not die. One day you will surely end up buying the product. 

If you buy it, the product ends up making you feel good by making your imaginary identity become real, and putting and end to your uneasiness. 

The company ends up selling a product.