The Will and its Infinite Potential

There are time when we have to wake up at 4 o clock in a cold winter morning to catch a flight or a train. The moment the alarm rings,  we wake up. We feel like sleeping a little more, we do not feel like getting up at all. Who will wake up at 4 o clock in a cold winter morning, get ready, and go to catch a flight? This is the first thought we have the moment we get up. But we do get up, get ready, travel to the airport and catch the flight. What makes us do this in such a situation? It is the WILL. The mind says that we must not go, but the “will” takes us through. The will is responsible for action.
Sometimes in life, we have to face worst situations, we have faced and we have survived. What takes us through? The WILL.
We wake up everyday in the morning and go to work, we take care of our family, we talk to friends, we party – we do a lot of things – so much of doing is possible because of the presence of the WILL. The will becomes prominent when the situation around worsens as per the mind. The mind trembles, fears, but the will does not – all actions that we do everyday are because of the WILL. The will makes us act, or otherwise, we will remain confined to our minds. You have to understand that the will is not the mind. It is something different. If the will was the mind, then we would have all our lives done nothing.
The will comes into the picture when there is an obstacle in the path. We act because there are obstacles. Without the obstacle, there is no WILL and there is NO action. Smaller the obstacle, smaller the will. The will and the obstacle are directly proportional.
The WILL is neither the mind, nor the brain, then from where does the will come? It is the infinite, that is present within ourselves that gets converted into WILL. It is existence, it is the supreme intelligence that gets converted into the will – since humans are capable to converting this supreme intelligence, the intelligence of the universe into WILL, humans are infinite – we can go any extent – we can reach the stars – but we are restricted and confined by our small minds – this is our problem – because of our minds we remain restricted to small things – we do not dare to dream big.
The will comes into the picture whenever there is an obstruction – WILL makes you act – WILL is required for action – WILL comes into the picture whenever you need to stand straight in spite of severe conditions around you – There is thought and there is action – the thoughts are from the mind; both positive and negative thoughts – but the WILL makes you act on the thoughts – The WILL gives power to the thoughts –
If you dream big  – the obstacles will be more and greater will be the WILL – No matter how much you make the will stronger, the will can grow more in strength – it is in one word INFINITE – So human beings are also infinite. But we have not realized our true potential.
So to realize our true potential we must have goals which are very high – and we must with all our will take the challenge to realize  our goal – The Goal should be so high that it Brings out our true potential. To realize our true potential is to make our will so strong that it becomes equivalent to GOD – and then you are liberated.
If your mind is full of good thoughts, then the power of the WILL will translate these thoughts into action – Our goal should be action   at the highest level – because if we act at the highest level – we will require a WILL that is at the highest level and it will then lead us to LIBERATION.
Two things are required:
We must work in a way so as to make our WILL so strong that one day we are liberated – LIBERATION SHOULD BE OUR GOAL –

Greater the WILL – Greater the Freedom

Please Refer my post “Take Life as an Experiment”
If we know that we are free, then why are we not free, why are we scared, why are we miserable? If all actions are experiments then why are we not experimenting with something out of the world and living a miserable life today?
Why are we not aiming to reach the starts?

Why are we living a low life today?
What has happened to our utter freedom?
If the results are not in our control or if the results do not exist at all, then we should be free, there should be no misery at all,but why then we are so full of misery?
Where is our freedom to be free, though theoretically we should be utterly free?
The absence of results and presence of only action should give us the freedom to reach for the starts, it gives us freedom to be anything we want, but where is our utter freedom?
Why are we not free today to do anything we want?
Why are we not full of bliss and glory?
Why do we choose to be a beggar and not a millionaire?
Why cant we dream big and change our thoughts and dreams into reality?
Why can we not be the best in the world in any thing we do?
Why do not we aim to be be the best of the best?
As I told you, all actions are experiments, why do not we experiment with something worthwhile?
What has happened to us? Theoretically we are free – we are supposed to be free – but why are we not? This is the question. If it is theoretically possible, then practically it must be possible.So what stops it?

This is because we are only confined to our small minds. We make others goals as our goals. Our goals are limited to the goals of others. We cant think beyond. Our mind is very small and this world or rather this universe if open – infinite and unending. This is because we are result oriented and our results are what others are doing today. This is because we fear failure, which may happen tomorrow and fail to understand that tomorrow does not exist. The presence to tomorrow gives rise to the mind or the mind gives rise to results and tomorrow. This is because we make someone else’s goal into our tomorrow. This is because our mind tells us that we are small and cannot be big.We dream big, but we stop thinking that we will not be able to. This is because we think that we are helpless. This is because we think we can never be the best of the best.
Summarily – we are stopped by our mind – this mind is the barrier. We stop because we think we will not be able to move forward – WE STOP BECAUSE WE THINK THAT WE WILL STOP.
What can lead us through – IT IS THE “WILL”. One has to understand that the will is not the mind – the mind thinks, but the will makes us act – the mind gives the idea – and it is because of the will that we realize the Idea.
The mind gives you the dream, it gives you desires and at the same time it stops you from realizing them. It is through shear will power that one can overcome anything in this universe.
One has to understand that the will and the mind are opposites – the mind stops and the will overcomes, the will takes us through – greater the barrier (mind) – stronger the will – the will is divine- it is the divine that gets converted into will and it can grow to that extent that it can make you completely free – the will can make you infinite.

Two Reasons why People Hate me

I have understood, after a really long time why people hate me. Since childhood, I have had very little friends, though I have not been a kind of an introvert. I wanted to mingle with people, go out with them, but I  was not able to, since others did not like me much. When in college, It was a fact that I never had a best friend. The guy who I thought was my best friend, was someone else’s best friend and I was last in the list. While at work, people tired to avoid me. I was depressed all my life, until this day, when I realized the truth. 

There are two reasons (basically one) but I have made it two for better understanding. 

1. I open myself up very quickly

The nature of the human mind is to seek. It needs to know everything. Because the minds thinks that not knowing might bring danger. The mind keeps thinking, what kind of danger it might bring. So the mind needs to know. Whenever anything comes in its hands, it dissects it, operates on it, goes to the microscopic and submicroscopic level and tried to find our everything.


You must have noticed, that two people, not known to each other, when travelling together in a train or a bus, always tend to talk. The exchange names and ask each other what he or she does. It is the mind, who needs to know, because it is scared that God knows what might come up. Even if they do not talk, they keep talking within themselves about the person. The keep guessing, looking at the person’s behavior and belonging’s who might it be? And the inner chatter and guessing continues till the time they are sitting next to each other. 

And when it knows, when it has nothing to find, it throws it away. It becomes useless. The attraction was only due to the lack of knowledge about that particular person or thing. All pursuits are only to know. And because of an inherent fear. Fear makes us seek and there is no end to it. This fear never ends. If there is no fear, there will be no seeking. The fear is usually deep inside us and we generally do not know about it.  

The fear is the cause of all pursuits, whether it is an object, money or people. When the knowledge is  apparently complete, the fear is gone and the seeking is over. This is the nature of human beings.

In my case I open myself up very quickly. In the first meeting with someone, they know everything about me. They know everything, like, what I do, whether I am married or single, where I work, what are my interests, what I read, what are my hobbies and everything. I become an open book.  I don’t know why but I tell them  everything. I tend to. They come to know that I am harmless. I am peaceful. They come to know that in no way I can be of any danger to him or her. Rather the also come to know, what they can get from me. Whatever they need they take and throw me away. 

The reason is when I open myself up, their mind stops seeking. They do no longer chase me or want me. They know everything about me. Now, they do no longer want me. When I go to them, I feel ignored because I am of no use to them, and neither I pose any danger, neither I am mysterious. 

I am ignored. I feel it is my fault because I revel everything in the first few meetings itself. 

2. I reveal my own fears, problems and tensions  

We have to understand that we are all humans. We have the same fears, same tensions and same problems. Because the origin of fear is the same for all of us. We will talk about the origin of fears in another post. 

The fears are there, there are somewhere deep inside you mind. They pop out from time to time and cause you enormous tension. You hide it immediately with some cover. But the fear never goes. It remains and keeps bothering you from time to time. 

We are always in the look out for a cover. We want to hide it under a blanket.

 As I have told that all our seeking is for knowledge, we see whether the other will be of any use to us or is completely useless. The seeking is only to know whether the other will be of any use to us. What can be a possible use of another person? It may seem many things, but the most basic thing is whether the other person will be able to cover my fears. The fears are dangerous. If they pop out and possess us, it may cause enormous trouble. So we constantly look out for people who will be able to cover up my fears. 

We never talk about our fears. We suppress our fears because we have been taught to suppress our fears since the time we were children and we have been suppressing our fears since that time. We want them to be hidden and want to carry them to our grave.  

Everyone has fears. If anyone comes and tells me that he does not have fear, I would not believe. It has to be someone like the Buddha to say so. All others, I mean those who are not enlightened, have fears and we are continuously protecting ourselves. We are always trying to make our fears hide under the blanket. All seeking, all questions and all arguments (internal and external) are to protect ourselves.

When I reveal my fears, when I reveal my tensions, anxieties to others. I immediately become useless for them. They are looking for someone, who will be able to save them for their own fears, which they have been hiding. They are looking for someone fearless, which is very very difficult to find in this planet. They thought, when they met me, that may be I ll be able to save them, but I come out to be someone who is himself afraid like them.

I become a mirror and reflect their real faces, which they hate to see. They want to hide under a mask of bravery, but internally they have only fears, which makes them seek all life and they die one day with the fears. They fail to understand that I am also a human and not enlightened like a Buddha.  I have the same fears that they have. We all have same fears, because we all have the same egos, we have the same identities, which we keep protecting. 

The only difference is – I reveal and they don’t. By revealing I become a weak guy and others by hiding, become strong and brave. According to me, being brave is just a false show. It is not true. It is suggestive of another fear. Whatever we do, whether we hide or reveal, the fear is there and will be there if not completely uprooted from our being. Simply hiding our fears will not make us brave.

When I reveal my fears, I act as a mirror. I remind them of their fears because the fears I have are the same as theirs. When I talk about my fears, they see themselves in me. They see themselves as a scared person. But I cannot help. I cannot pretend. I have to reveal whatever is going on inside. I do not know whether it is my weakness or bravery.

They throw me out. 


Voice of the Ego

From the point of view of Entrepreneurship, it is very important to know what these voices inside are saying. These voices will let you know about our deepest dreams and desires. And Since we are all of one society, all our dreams and desires are same. Once you know your dreams and desires, you know the dreams and desires of almost all people, because all our desires are same. Because we all belong to one society. Once you know the dreams and desires, you can help fulfill them and they will love to pay you in return. Most of the time we do not know what are dreams, desires and needs are. The more you are separate from the Ego and listen to the voice, the more aware you will be.
From the previous posts, you know about the inner voice and how the voice is continuously talking. You are quiet outside, but the voice inside is always talking. 
Our inner talk arises because we are all silently talking in our imaginations. In our imagination we are creating imaginary situations and playing our role there. We are questioning and ourselves answering being the other imaginary person present in the situation. This us utter madness. But most of the time we are unaware of it.
I have told you about all your your identities and that they are innumerable in number and in your mind, you place yourself in so many different situations day in and day out. You know that the deeper these situations have made a mark in your mind, the more space they occupy in their mind and the easily pop out making imagination happen on its own. This process of flowing out information happens on its own and is completely beyond your control and your internal dialogues are also beyond your control. They happen on their own.
If the number of identities you have developed are more and stronger, and they take you automatically to your imagined worlds without your control, the movement of you into your imagined worlds happen on its own. You are here, but you have moved to another world, and you do not know. They pull you inside like a black hole. They are very powerful. And when you reached, it takes no time, it happens in a blink of an eye, you start playing your role there. You talk, you argue, you order and do whatever required in that imagined situation.
Next moment you are here and now, you are in the moment. You start comparing your present with your imagination. If the imagination was something more pleasant than your present, you start arguing and condemning the present moment. If you are forced to be in your office and in your imagination is that you are on a holiday with your wife, you start abusing your boss, the office, the colleagues and everything. You want to prove that this office is pathetic and you are so unlucky. It is actually happening internally and since you are unaware what is happening internally, you start doing the same things, that voice is doing. You become one with the voice.
The voice can be known, when you make a firm decision. If you decide to keep quiet, if you make a firm decision that you will stay in your office and not talk despite the urge, you will be able to detect the voice inside. If you move to a quiet place, you will be able to detect the voice. If you go the the toilet and spend some time there, just for the sake of an experiment, you will detect the voice, because in the bathroom, there are no distractions.
A firm decision needs to be taken. These voices are the product of these imaginations. When the imaginations are there, the voices will be there. If the imaginations vanish, the voices will also vanish. If you know the imaginations, you will detect the voice and vice-versa. The voice is more prominent and hence can be detected easier than the imaginations can be detected.

When you start listening to the voice, you will know what you are imagining, because the voice will correspond to the imagination that is happening in your mind. Once you have detected the voice, the knower in you had emerged. But there are chances that another voice comes up and starts arguing with the voice that is there. This is again falling in a trap, or going into another imagination. Ever voice is a result of an Imagination. 

When you start listening to the voice, just say “STOP” and you become the knower.

Ego and the Advertising Industry

Ego and the Advertising Industry:
This is very important, from the point of view of generating a need for a particular product. Besides our basic needs, all other needs are work of the ego. Before you go ahead with this post, I would like you to please go through the post – “Ego – The Greatest Obstacle to Creativity and Innovation”.

Our Egos are making the whole Advertising Industry run. They bombard your mind with information about some beautiful product again and again leading to the formation of another self. 

You have seen advertisements are repeated many times. This is just to make the imagination from vague to concrete and help you to develop another small identity among many other identities of yours. 

They are repeated to make the identity stronger by making your imagination stronger about the product.

Once you develop an Identity, there is again a clash between your so developed  identity and  reality and you start getting uneasy because you do not own the product. 

When you see reality you are sad that you do not own the product, because simultaneously you imagine yourself owning the product. 

This makes you split. No one can remain at ease being split. This becomes a cause for massive trouble. Most of the time you end up buying the product or shift your focus to make another imaginary identity become real, just for the sake of avoiding it. But the identity once formed, does not die. One day you will surely end up buying the product. 

If you buy it, the product ends up making you feel good by making your imaginary identity become real, and putting and end to your uneasiness. 

The company ends up selling a product.