The Will and its Infinite Potential

There are time when we have to wake up at 4 o clock in a cold winter morning to catch a flight or a train. The moment the alarm rings,  we wake up. We feel like sleeping a little more, we do not feel like getting up at all. Who will wake up at 4 o clock in a cold winter morning, get ready, and go to catch a flight? This is the first thought we have the moment we get up. But we do get up, get ready, travel to the airport and catch the flight. What makes us do this in such a situation? It is the WILL. The mind says that we must not go, but the “will” takes us through. The will is responsible for action.
Sometimes in life, we have to face worst situations, we have faced and we have survived. What takes us through? The WILL.
We wake up everyday in the morning and go to work, we take care of our family, we talk to friends, we party – we do a lot of things – so much of doing is possible because of the presence of the WILL. The will becomes prominent when the situation around worsens as per the mind. The mind trembles, fears, but the will does not – all actions that we do everyday are because of the WILL. The will makes us act, or otherwise, we will remain confined to our minds. You have to understand that the will is not the mind. It is something different. If the will was the mind, then we would have all our lives done nothing.
The will comes into the picture when there is an obstacle in the path. We act because there are obstacles. Without the obstacle, there is no WILL and there is NO action. Smaller the obstacle, smaller the will. The will and the obstacle are directly proportional.
The WILL is neither the mind, nor the brain, then from where does the will come? It is the infinite, that is present within ourselves that gets converted into WILL. It is existence, it is the supreme intelligence that gets converted into the will – since humans are capable to converting this supreme intelligence, the intelligence of the universe into WILL, humans are infinite – we can go any extent – we can reach the stars – but we are restricted and confined by our small minds – this is our problem – because of our minds we remain restricted to small things – we do not dare to dream big.
The will comes into the picture whenever there is an obstruction – WILL makes you act – WILL is required for action – WILL comes into the picture whenever you need to stand straight in spite of severe conditions around you – There is thought and there is action – the thoughts are from the mind; both positive and negative thoughts – but the WILL makes you act on the thoughts – The WILL gives power to the thoughts –
If you dream big  – the obstacles will be more and greater will be the WILL – No matter how much you make the will stronger, the will can grow more in strength – it is in one word INFINITE – So human beings are also infinite. But we have not realized our true potential.
So to realize our true potential we must have goals which are very high – and we must with all our will take the challenge to realize  our goal – The Goal should be so high that it Brings out our true potential. To realize our true potential is to make our will so strong that it becomes equivalent to GOD – and then you are liberated.
If your mind is full of good thoughts, then the power of the WILL will translate these thoughts into action – Our goal should be action   at the highest level – because if we act at the highest level – we will require a WILL that is at the highest level and it will then lead us to LIBERATION.
Two things are required:
We must work in a way so as to make our WILL so strong that one day we are liberated – LIBERATION SHOULD BE OUR GOAL –

What is belief?

This is the most important post as far as knowing consciousness is concerned.


All my life I have been wondering what exactly is belief. There was a time when I used to go to a psychiatrist   for counselling. She always told me to believe. I never understood. I asked the same question to her again and again. It was never clear. My parents told me to believe in god. I never believed. I tried my level best to by I could not. I, being a Hindu, visited many temples. But could not believe. I thought, what good is going to happen if I pray? And this is all waste of time. Somehow I did not believe.
But do you think I did not believe anything? I did. I believed always in the bad. I was conditioned that way. 

Conditioning means “Filling-up”. “Filling up” is just a word, to make you understand, because consciousness cannot be understood, neither can it be defined. For defining you need boundaries, coordinates, but it has none. It is eternity. It has not end.

Space cannot be defined. Space can be known. To make you know, I have to first create an object, which can be defined and then remove it. Thus creating space in the place where the object was placed. Creation of space can be only known this way. This is why I have used the word “Filling-up”. Just to make you know “object” and when the object is removed, you know space.

Similarly internal spaces can be known, when there is some object inside you, somewhere some block, some internal occupant, some uneasiness. When this is dissolved, space will be created. Or when you can go beyond it, more space is available. These blocks are your thoughts, argument and emotions.

These internal arguments happen whenever there is a block. An external situation which we resist creates a blockage, to do away with this blockage we argue internally or may be sometimes we argue loudly also. This block can be felt in the form of an uneasiness inside our body.But this argument is again based on knowledge that we have gained till date. It is based on logic. It is old. It cannot solve a present problem.  So the internal argument with the present situation continues and continues till it subsides on its own. By the time this argument stops, other arguments have started. This is an unending process. 

The more unwanted the situation, greater the block, more thee uneasiness and louder the argument inside. In these times, in times of crisis, of deep crisis, when the uneasiness becomes very prominent and the argument becomes very loud that you can hear yourself talk, the “filled up” can be detected. Once you detect, you become aware of the “filled-up”, and at the same time you become aware of consciousness. You come to know that despite of the deep crisis, you can still move. You change.The block or the uneasiness comes first. Then comes the internal arguments to rationalize the situation, in order to do away with the uneasiness inside your body. But these internal arguments can never do away with the uneasiness, because all arguments are old and what has one up in this “present moment” is something new, something unknown, that is why it is unwanted.

The argument comes when you are not able to see the end you use all your knowledge and logic, but still cannot see the end. The uneasiness and the inner argument increases and can be detected.

All your arguments will fail  or will continue till your death and may be beyond that ,because you cannot solve some unknown problem with something that you know.

So to know space, you have to first know the blocks, the obstructions, the lack of space. The awareness of this blocks, which are your thoughts, arguments and emotions will lead to knowing of more spaces or creation of spaces inside. Only then space can be understood. Otherwise not.

For creation of the spaces, blocks are essential.

Consciousness can never be filled up. There cannot be a block as large as consciousness. Consciousness is unending.  It is vast, unending, unfathomable. There is always space available. It is lack of awareness of the blocks that leads to “Filling Up”. Then there is no space left for anything else to enter. Only awareness has to be increases, awareness of the blocks inside.

The job of the Master is not to show you space or to make you know consciousness. The master creates obstacles “Fills up” and when you know that you are filled up, you try to find a way out and this creates awareness and the you become aware of the unending, unfathomable spaces inside you.Whenever there is a crisis in your life, know that the supreme intelligence, the only master is trying to make you aware. Be alert, be aware and you will know. Existence is giving you an opportunity to know the vast unending and unfathomable spaces available to you.

I did not believe in the good may be because all my life, I did not have this insight, that there is consciousness, that goes much beyond the “Filled-up”. I did not believe until one day.

When you have no uneasiness or no internal argument, no matter what happens, you have started to believe. Then belief gets converted to faith.

Let us see what belief is.

If I tell you that tomorrow all your problems will be solved? Will you believe?

If I tell you that tomorrow morning, you will see an apple growing in a mango tree. Would you believe?
If you are a software engineer and I tell you that tomorrow you will be a Movie Star? Would you believe?

If I tell you will receive the Nobel Prize? Will you believe?

If I tell you that tomorrow you will earn $ 1 Million out of the blue? Will you believe?

If I tell you that if you try, you can fly? Will you believer?

If I tell you that if you jump from the Empire State Building and will survive? Will you believe?

If I tell you that you will live 200 years? Will you believe?

If someone asks you to believe the above statements at gunpoint, imagine the kind of uneasiness and internal arguments it will create. This is the uneasiness, I am talking about.

I can bet that you will not believe in any of the above. Have you ever thought why? What is stopping you from believing in all the above. 

It is the knowledge that you gained in the past, the knowledge that you have accumulated over the years, it is the knowledge that makes up your mind stops your from believing that all these things will happen.

If I tell you tomorrow all your problems will be solved. Your knowledge, in the form of the inner voice, will say there are so many problems, and each of them is so complicated, my girlfriend has left and I am so mentally depressed, I have lost my job and I don’t think that I will get a job tomorrow, I don’t have a good professional track record, I have very little money and so many things to do. How can all my problems be solved overnight. It will take years to solve all these problems.

Your whole argument against my statement “All your problems will be solved tomorrow” will be based on your accumulated knowledge. There is nothing else with you, with which you will argue, but your past knowledge. This  knowledge is your mind. All you will argue with is with your logic. All arguments are logical. We tend to find logical reasons to argue. With our accumulated knowledge, tend to give reasons why  something will happen or not happen. It is true, because we have nothing else. 

If I tell you that tomorrow you will receive $ 1 Million. You will invariably call me a mad man. You logic will tell you, your knowledge will tell you that this is absolutely not possible. You will say “this is the middle of the month, your little salary  is still 15 days away, getting a million dollars is out of question, it is impossible”. You straight away went to your salary, you did not think about anything else. Yes, because your argument is perfectly logical. And you do not believe. We always refer to our knowledge for Believing or Not believing. 

This is because we immediately want to arrive at a conclusion. We are not comfortable with not knowing. The day we are comfortable with not knowing, spaces or consciousness have been created. Know that you are in the right direction.

For every statement of mine you have a LOGICAL argument. You will invariably argue. Either the argument will be internal or you will argue loudly. But you will argue. You will raise many question. You will raise doubts about my statement. You will try to logically convince me that what I am saying is impossible.

Knowledge or mind based logical arguments, internal or external arguments is NOT BELIEVING. Not having this internal argument at all is BELIEVING. 

All our internal arguments are against believing. All your internal resistance is against believing. All our inner argument and resistance is the cause of our negativity, because there is no space to take in the good.

Let me give you and example.  This is very important. Take the case of a child. A child always receives gifts form Santa Clause. No matter who buys and keeps the gift in the bag. He receives it. He gets what he wants. Why? Because his logic and knowledge does not interfere with the existence or no existence of Santa Clause. His logic and knowledge has not developed to that extent. He believes without a question or inner argument. And it happens.

To believe we all have to become children. 

So, life goes beyond logic. Things do not happen with us because we argue, we interfere, with what is being said and we DON’T BELIEVE. But the child BELIEVES and it happens with him. This is the only difference.

This proves that belief can make the impossible, possible. The statement is the beginning of this post is true.

Our logic and knowledge based inner argument is the obstacle to every good thing that can happen in our lives. We block it with inner argument. The day it stops, we will start believing and then, things will just happen without any effort. If the inner argument stops, we all will become a child and will start believing. Things are bound to change for the better. I can bet.

To take in what is being said, to believe, space is required. Otherwise, where will we take in what is being said. That is why I always talk about creating consciousness. Consciousness is noting but spaces within. Spaces will be created when files in our memory are deleted or removed or when we are aware of the filed and they automatically deleted.

Another analogy – The knowledge that constitute your mind are like springs. No matter how much you press them, they are always ready to come back to their original form and occupy space. You must have experienced, no matter how much you try not to think, the thoughts always comes. You just cannot avoid thinking and arguing. For some time, if you force another thought or doing another thing, you get mentally strained or you are not able to concentrate. Not able to concentrate means, that the springs have come back to the original size and shape.

In the mind of the child, there are no springs (Thoughts or knowledge). It is empty. There is no one to argue or oppose. Anything new it goes inside without opposition or without resistance or argument. Whatever is said, he believes, and it happens.

For us, when someone tells us something, that goes beyond logic, the springs the pressed, but the next moment, the spring come back to shape. The inner argument is nothing but the spring trying to come back to its original shape. You must have experienced, that it is very difficult sometimes, to get something new in our minds. This difficulty is because of the existing springs opposing the new thought from entering. This existing springs (thoughts) are the inner resistance, the argument. This inner argument (existing springs) makes us NOT TO BELIEVE. 

The spaces are available with all of us, but they are occupied with strong springs. To believe, only one thing is required – That is space or what is known as consciousness.

There are two options available with you to access the space. 

1. You Either destroy the springs (Your mind, your knowledge) completely  – This is the path of Action OR

2. You find spaces beyond the springs (Thoughts, knowledge, mind) and let the springs (Thoughts, knowledge, mind) do whatever they want. Do not strain them, let the springs be, because there is unlimited space available to all of us – This is the path of meditation.

Please let me know what you comments are. If  can be of any help to you.

Creative Thinking’ is a Myth

We always use the words Creative and Thinking together as “Creative Thinking”. But both these words cannot be used together.

If you are creative, you cannot be thinking and if you are thinking then creativity is not possible. 

Let us see how.
I would define thinking as ‘searching our own memory’. 

We have been collecting information since our birth and all of them is stored in our memory. Whenever we start to think, we browse through the files stored in our memory.
All these information stored is old. All the inputs are based on the information the society gave us with the help of books, magazines, websites, television and through many other media. These files are stored in the memory, and the moment we start thinking, we browse through these old files. You memory cannot give you anything new. It is all old information.
Please understand that thinking cannot give you anything new. If you think that you can think and innovate, you would be reinventing the wheel again and again.
All your goals in life, your aspirations, dreams, desires and plans are of the old, because they are they belong to the memory. You want to become a pilot because you know that being a pilot is a profession and you aim for it. You want to become a computer scientist because you know that if you want and move in the right direction, there is a possibility. Both a pilot and computer scientist are part of your memory and you choose your goals based on what you know.
Anything that you “try” to do is based on your past  knowledge. You cannot try doing something that you do not know. You have an objective in life and you start trying to achieve it, then you are directed towards the past. You point backwards. You always point towards something that you know.
You think before you attempt anything. All your thinking is based on your past knowledge. So you always attempt to do things that you have known. It means that it already exists and you are having the knowledge of it.
You cannot imagine something that you do not know. Imagination is again thinking. You only imagine things and situations that you know, that is in your memory. 

Just for an experiment, close your eyes and sit for 10 minutes. You will see, all your imaginations are events and situations of the past.

Our thinking and Imagining is confined to the knowledge gained in your past. Thinking and imagining is confined to memory.

When you try thinking harder, you very intensely search through the files in your memory.
It is like you meet someone and you cannot remember his name. You think harder to remember. You are doing nothing but searching through your own memory in detail.

So your mind consists of things of the past. The mind can give you nothing new. The mind is not able to innovate or create. The Mind cannot be creative.

To Create or to Innovate you have to keep the Mind aside, you have to separate yourself from the continuous chatter of your mind. This is the first step.

Please read my post ‘Ego – The Greatest Obstacle to Creativity and Innovation’ to better understand this post