I must remain open

I have to remain open. I cannot have a target as it would mean an end. With a target will come a timeline, that is not sustainable. 

I must keep doing, but must remain without a timeline and target.

One factor must remain undefined. I may have a target, but should not have a timeline.

Conflict Is Inevitable


(The Picture above shows Lord Krishna Blowing the Conch as a gesture accepting conflict which is inevitable. It was when the their opponent blew the conch indicating the start of the battle, the Lord also blew his conch showing that he also accepts the challenge of the war)

We all are waiting for the day when all our problems will vanish forever and we will live happily ever after. We all are waiting for the day when we will relax and enjoy our life. We all are waiting for this day. All our work, our tensions and our hurry are because this day is not coming soon enough. We keep questioning why this day does not come. We tend to put an end to our problems as soon as possible and relax and enjoy. We are not happy till all our problems are over. We want to earn money quickly, we want have a car, buy a house, get married, have children and reach the day when there will be no problems.

Objective of an ignorant man is to be secure so that he can relax, enjoy and have fun. The goal of an ignorant man is happiness. The Goal of an ignorant man is to have a life without problems and conflict.

The man of knowledge knows that conflict is inevitable. Conflict gives rise to problems and tensions. A man of knowledge knows that life without problems and conflict is asking for the impossible. The day when all our problems will vanish will never come. It is for sure.

Your presence if this world is a conflict for all other people in this world. Not only for the people but for entire existence you are a conflict.

  • The moment you were born your parents were happy but for you they struggle. Their entire struggle is for you. Just think about it. Your mother and father will worry about you even when you have grown up. You are making them worry, you are making them struggle.
  • When you go to school your teacher has to struggle to teach you. Had you not been there at all, she would have been correcting one number less answer sheets. You have increased their work.
  • Because you are in school, there is more competition among students. You have increased the competition.
  • If you stand first in class, then you have already taken the place of the guy who was standing first in class. You made him struggle.
  • When in any competition, you being a participant increase the competition. Make all other competitors struggle more. You stand on their way, knowingly or unknowingly.
  • When in college, you take up the seat of another guy and make him struggle.
  • While appearing for a job interview, you take away someone else’s job. You make the other person struggle.
  • You eat so you kill animals or plants for your food. You make them struggle.
  • You breathe and reduce the oxygen in the atmosphere
  • You walk on the road, you kill so many insects
  • You drive, create pollution and so many people fall sick and get killed.
  • You have to maintain your body, you are creating s struggle for yourself as well.
  • When you get married, you are creating a struggle for your spouse; he or she has to care for you and be a wife or a husband and carry out the responsibility. You create struggle for your spouse as well. Both of you are blocking the flow of life for each other.

There is conflict even if you do not want it to be there. There is conflict and struggle from the time you were born. You were born into conflict. It cannot be avoided. In one way or the other, you want or you don’t, you are standing on the way of someone else. As long as you are on this earth, you are standing as a block on someone else’s way.  And when you stand on the path of someone or something, it is bound to create conflict. They are bound to revolt and create problems for you. At every moment they will attempt to throw you out of their path. They feel that if they throw you out, their life will be smooth, but they do not know that it is not possible because they being a part of this universe are also standing on the way of someone or something and are creating problems and conflicts for them. They are also bound to create conflict. Each and every person, no matter whoever he is – is creating conflict with existence. This is the truth. This needs to be accepted.

Now since you are standing on their way, they are creating problems for you. They want to throw you out. Not only other humans but entire existence wants you to vanish forever. You are a block in the flow of life. You are like a wall standing on the way of life. This is bound to happen. The whole existence will be creating problems for you as long as you are a part of this universe because you are creating problems and blocks for existence.

But we try to find peace in this world. We try to find happiness. We want to relax. We want enjoyment. We all are waiting for the day when all our problems will vanish forever and we can do whatever we want. We are so much mistaken. The entire struggle for happiness is not possible as long as you form a part of existence. We all are misdirected. We can only find complete peace when we are not in this universe. We can find peace the day we are enlightened. Not before that. So the entire struggle for happiness and relaxation is futile. One can never find happiness till the time he is enlightened, because conflict is an inevitable part of existence. Everyone and everything are struggling for peace. Yes – struggle has to be there, but it has to be in the right direction. The struggle has to be for the achievement of Nirvana and not happiness and pleasure. Happiness and pleasure is not possible.

There are two ways out of this conflict. The two ways are diametrically opposite but they lead to the same goal.

  • You become a “nobody”. You stand on the way of none. You facilitate the work of others and not form a block on their way. You do not form a block in the flow of existence. You leave everything and become a recluse. You form a burden on no one. By the time you are reading this, you are already entangled in this world. You are as if tied by many ropes with people and things and now it will require huge effort and a Gigantic Will power to break all the ropes and leave the world and be a recluse. In the process of breaking the connections, you will create various conflicts with all the people who are connected with you. You have a family; you have a wife, children, and parents. There is loads of responsibility on your shoulders. Being a recluse and to reach a state where there is no conflict will create loads of conflict and struggle. So we see that conflict cannot be ruled out. Even in the process of being a recluse, conflict is bound to be there. There is no escape. Even in this method, there will be conflict till the time you reach nirvana or complete enlightenment. Also remember that enlightenment is bound to happen. Today or tomorrow it will happen.


  • The second method is ACCPETING THE CONFLICT.  Since you know that conflict is inevitable even if you want to be a recluse and leave the world, the only way is to be a part of the conflict. Accept the conflict, accept the trouble and struggle, accept that there is misery, and accept that there is no happiness or relaxation. Accept that there is no enjoyment and fun. Accept that there is no end to problems till the time you attain enlightenment. Understand that even if you die, you will again be born and be a part of this ever existing conflict. Accept that there is no escape.

The trouble is there because we do not accept the fact that conflict is inevitable. It is bound to be there, whether you are a recluse or whether you take part in the activities of the world.

This is the message of the Bhagawad Gita. This is want Lord Krishna says. Arjuna was afraid of the Battle. He was looking for peace and did not want to kill is relatives. He wanted to escape and become a recluse. But the Lord told him, that even if you escape, the conflict is bound to be there, so is better that you accept this fact and take part in this conflict. You take part is this world. Be a part of this world and take part in the battle.

If you see the picture above you will see that the Lord is blowing the conch. This blowing of the conch is a gesture of acceptance. The other side blew the conch first and in reply, the lord also blew the conch accepting the challenge. The lord convinced Arjuna that conflict is inevitable – and so he should take part in the war and do his duty.

So you accept the challenge and take active part in the activities of this world. The following points are some points for understanding that will help you walk the path accepting the conflict which is inevitable.

  • Understand that relaxation will never happen. You will not be able to relax as long as you are a block to others which you invariably are. Never think to one day relax. Think of being on your toes all the time.
  • You think that you would relax when all your problems are gone forever. Your problems will never go forever till the time you are a conflict and a block on the way of others. Never think that your problems will go and never try to put all your problems to an end at once so that you can relax and be happy. This is asking for the impossible.
  • Live your life as if there is no relaxation and happiness – just work and then relaxation happens on its own. But if you are not hankering for relaxation and are always working, you will slowly notice a subtle relaxation slowly growing from within. Even amidst tremendous activity, you will be able to find subtle relaxation from within. This relaxation is should be the goal and this will happen.
  • Understand that relaxation cannot happen easily. Most of us cannot relax. To work is easy for us than relaxation. You must have noticed that we cannot even sit quietly for a little time. We are always in motion. Working is easier, so we should start with work, which is easy and end in relaxation. We should start with what is easy.
  • Understand that we want happiness, we want relaxation and in the pursuit of happiness, enjoyment and relaxation, we get nothing but only tension. This is because happiness and enjoyment are not possible as long as we are a part of the conflict and we are invariably a part of the never ending conflict.
  • Have you noticed that we working so hard? What for?  – Because we want to relax and be happy one day. We all are waiting for the day when all our problems will be gone forever. We are in a hurry because we want that day to come fast enough. And that day never comes; this gives us a lot of tension.
  • So Live as if there is no happiness, enjoyment and relaxation. One day amidst tremendous activity, tension and frustration, relaxation and joy will grow from within. This will be our real achievement.
  • We all have one goal that is to be happy one day. To have enough money one day and no problems. This is the greatest folly. Our only goal should be to accept the struggle and conflict. We wait for the day, when there will be no problems and worries. This waiting is the cause of all our misfortune. This is not the truth. Happiness is not our goal. It will never happen. This waiting strains us. All our hurry and work is to reach the day as quickly as possible. But his is not possible.
  • Can you force yourself to sleep? NO. Similarly you cannot force yourself to be happy or relax forever. Happiness and relaxation can only happen from within when you immerse yourself in tremendous activity accepting the challenge and facing the conflict.
  • Understand that no relaxation and no happiness is the normal state. When you are unhappy or you are not able to relax, know that this is the right thing. Know that you are in the right path.
  • The day we wait for, the day of happiness and relaxation and enjoyment comes and goes away in no time. It is again the same thing. It is again the same rush. All days of happiness, if it is not from within will pass away even before you know. So do not wait for them.
  • From Monday onwards, we wait for the weekend so that we can relax, but the weekend passes in a blink of an eye, and even before we know it has arrived, it is already passed. So do not wait for the day of happiness, it will pass.
  • We all are waiting for results of our actions. We wait because we are waiting for happiness. This is the folly. Because this day will never come. Even if it comes, it will go away in no time. We all are always waiting for something to happen; some miracle to happen that will make us happy. This waiting strains us. Do not wait for results of your actions.
  • If you are not waiting for results, if you are not waiting for happiness, enjoyment and relaxation, then the results, whether positive or negative will not matter. So delete the word relaxation from your dictionary and work all day and night and never bother about the results.
  • When you do not bother for the results it means that you are not waiting for happiness. This way you become a real karma yogi. You hanker for results because you want to be happy. If your goal is not to be happy, you are not bothered about results. If for you – Unhappiness is OK, then you are not bothered about results.
  • Understand that for a karma yogi, the actions and results do not clash; they are on two different levels. On one level a karma yogi acts and in another level things keep happening. They do not mutually interfere.
  • When you are unhappy tell yourself that this is the normal state and when you have no time to relax and enjoy, tell yourself that you do not want to relax.
  • Start working and give yourself such a momentum and never stop till the two levels of action and results become separate and eventually the lower layer vanish.
  • Pick up a goal and do not stop. Do not care about happiness, relaxation. Do not think that the actions that you are doing will do you any good. Do not think that the results of your actions will bring you happiness.
  • Let all other things, including all your problems be in one plane and you actions in another plane interfered by none.
  • When in a problem, do not wait for the day when you will relax when your problem is done away with. But work to solve the problem.
  • Whenever you think about happiness and enjoyment, tell yourself that you are not looking for happiness, enjoyment and relaxation. Know that these things are not possible.
  • Your work momentum should be such that it can crush the block of your emotions. So start working and develop a momentum that can crush everything that comes on the way.
  • Understand that a momentum of work has to be developed and one has to rise to a level of action, where nothing interferes. Such a person, who stays in the level of pure action, is devoid of problems.

The Idea is to accept the fact that there is struggle, there is conflict and there is no relaxation, enjoyment and happiness. And you being a part of this world will have to take part in the struggle. This way a subtle peace and relaxation will grow from within. This peace that grows from within will be permanent and will never go no matter what you do. This way you will become a perfect Karma Yogi.




Karma Yoga – The Path of Action


Karma yoga is a part of the Bhagawad Gita. It was said by Lord Krishna in the Battlefield of Kurukshetra to Arjuna, When Arjuna, the greatest archer of that time was sentimental and was not willing to fight the great war and run away – in the battlefield of righteousness – the war against evil – the Lord told him the Karma Yoga – or the Path of Action to enlightenment.

But The Lord Said : “Karmanyevadhikaraste ma phaleshu kadacana, ma karmaphaladeturbhurma te sango stvakarmani” (In Sanskrit)

(Meaning: Having acquired the state of a warrior you are now eligible to act in whatever way the stature of a warrior demands out of you. But you are not entitled to any benefits resulting from your actions. At the same time you cannot be in a state of inertia. you should act according to your stature without any hope of enjoying the fruits of your actions)

One has to understand that we all are born into suffering. The Buddha has said the first of the four noble truths that “Life is suffering”. Buddha, according to me was the greatest Karma Yogi, because he has nothing to desire, but he worked, with complete selflessness for the betterment of mankind. This has to be understood.

The moment we are born, we are born into suffering.  Only people who are born enlightened are not born into suffering. All others are all born into suffering and misery. No matter in how rich a family he is born into or how poor. You must have noticed that all our life, whatever we do, we do it so that we can be happy in the end.  Our goal is happiness and all our lives we strive to be happy. But unfortunately the end does not come and we keep striving. The money we earn, the work we do, the house we buy, everything is done to make us safe and secure so that we have time to be happy. Whatever we do we do it for happiness in the end.  We work to earn money and think that the day we have enough money we think that we will be happy.  We will be happy because then we will be safe and whatever comes we will be able to manage it with money. We will have a house to live, a good family and we will be happy. Happiness is our driving force.

We are always temporarily or with long term goal trying to do away with unhappiness. The following will show how:

1. We cried the moment we were born. At that time, no one taught us not cry. But we cried the moment we were born. When we were born we could only express ourselves by crying or laughing. We did not laugh, but we cried. There must have been some uneasiness inside. Otherwise we would have laughed the moment we were born. Only one man, as far as my knowledge goes laughed the moment he was born. It was Zarathustra. He was an enlightened man, one of the greatest born in history.

2. We have always cried and because of that we were given toys and chocolates. Otherwise why would we need toys? This unhappiness we have been carrying form our birth – We are carrying it from our previous life

3. There is the entertainment industry. If we are not uneasy, then why would we need entertainment?

4. There are drugs available. Why would be need drugs? What makes them so addictive?

5. There is social media these days, and we are addicted.

6. There is a hunger for money. We need very little money to live, why do we need so much money. Money keeps us occupied; it keeps us working and hides our uneasiness that is why money becomes an addiction.

7. We drive very fast and are thrilled – Why is driving fast thrilling?

8. We have adventure sports? Why is adventure sports needed if we were already thrilled?

9. We need holidays to enjoy ourselves? Why do we need enjoyment?

10. There are discotheques around in every city, there is loud music, dazzling lights, alcohol and dancing – makes us forget our uneasiness for some time.

All the above would not be necessary if the underlying unhappiness would not be there. And this is applicable to all of us. We earn all our money for these things. But these things do not help. The unhappiness keeps coming back again and again.

The question of happiness comes when we know that we are not happy. It is in our knowledge that we are unhappy inside, always. But we do not accept it. We cover it. If someone says that we are unhappy, we get angry hearing the fact that we do not look happy. This sadness or our life full of misery today is the driving force that makes us work for a better tomorrow.

This unhappiness inside and the effort of all the people in this world to strive for happiness is making the world go around. This is the law – The Buddha Calls it – Dhamma or the Law.

The continuous underlying unhappiness is the major driving force which makes us move forward in life. We react to this unhappiness. Whenever the unhappiness surfaces, we immediately react to put the unhappiness to an end. But we are misdirected. We feel that the day we earn a lot of money, the day we are secure, we will be happy. This happens because we think that the cause of our misery is the external situation. But it is not. It is the underlying unhappiness we are born with, makes us unhappy.

But this is a wrong way we work. The sadness that we want to eradicate with lots of money is not possible. It will only be temporary. If there is a lot of money, something will come up that cannot be solved with money. The cause of this sadness is something that is very misunderstood. This is the sadness we are born with. It is inherent and cannot be eradicated with money or anything external.  It will go on its own one day, automatically – without any effort it will go away and in the process enlighten you. One keeps on seeking happiness through external means till the time they find that this sadness or misery cannot be solved externally.  Whatever you do externally, one cannot solve the problem of sadness.

One has to clearly understand that whatever we do, no matter how good or how bad, how great or how small in this world, no matter how much money we gather with good or bad means, no matter how safe we think we are, the misery or sadness is not to go away forever.

We have to know that this misery or sadness is not to go forever.  It will completely go once and for all the day we become a Buddha. So we have to work in this world and know that this misery is not to go. We have to do whatever is required, being a part of this world, good and bad world and know that this misery is not to go. You can cover the misery with whatever you want, but it will only be temporary and is bound to come back again.

It is the same underlying misery coming up again and again and we are labelling it differently under different external situations.  We label it according to the external situation. But the external is as it is. But it is the same thing that is coming up again and again on the surface.

We think that once we have a house, a car, family and lots of money, we will be happy for ever. But this is not the case, the misery will erupt and we will blame it on some other person or thing for the misery, failing to understand that the cause of misery is the underlying uneasiness which was covered up temporarily by things like money, car, house etc. People with lots and lots of money are also in pain and sorrow. These external things are also not enough to make them happy for ever. This proves that life is full of suffering and cannot be solved by external means.

For everybody, the unhappiness has a quota. It may be more or less depending on the individual, but there is an end to it. I cannot quantify it. There are no units available, but it is for sure that it will end. Had this been not the case, we would not have had people like the Gautama Buddha. There were many people before and after Buddha who were enlightened. For then the unhappiness has flown out completely leaving them enlightened. For these people the quota is over.  The unhappiness stored inside has been thrown away completely and they are free. There is nothing left to do. They have achieved perfection.  

The unhappiness has to be completely thrown out.  The unhappiness is very much willing to come out, but we are constantly keeping it locked inside. It is ready to come out at once, but we have covered it tightly with a lid. We are not brave enough to let it out. We do not know what will happen, what will be the magnitude of our unhappiness. We are scared when we are little unhappy. We immediately rectify whatever even the minutest error to make us happy again, how can we let out the whole unhappiness that have been stored for thousands of lives.  We cannot. We are scared. It is definitely dangerous.

Since the unhappiness as an outward flow it has a tendency to come out. But the more we cover it, the pressure increases. The pressure keeps increasing and whenever it comes out, it comes out in more quantity.  Day by day, we become unhappier. The magnitude of unhappiness increases whenever the lid is removed even for a small time.  In everyday situations we become more and more unhappy. We become unhappier in day to day activities and we need more intense things to cover the unhappiness.  By covering it more and more we tend to delay the process. We delay our enlightenment.  Enlightenment is bound to happen to all of us. We have the seed, it only needs to flower. The moment we feel sad or uneasy, understand that we are somehow, unconsciously blocking the flow or the uneasiness which is willing to come out.  Whenever we block, we feel uneasy. If we allow the uneasiness to freely flow, there will be no problem. We have to allow this uneasiness to flow out completely.

The whole world is a process to make us enlightened. Existence provides us with all the means to get enlightened because this is the goal of existence itself. But we have separated ourselves from existence. For this we have to jump into the world and live it intensely and let out more and more unhappiness out.

To convert this unhappiness into happiness is our driving force.  Whatever we do, we do to change this unhappiness to happiness.  Without this unhappiness, we would not do a single thing. We would not make a single move. We would come to a standstill.

This effort to change our unhappiness into happiness put us in an unending cycle. We also keep moving round and round being a part of the wheel.  This effort to change our unhappiness in unhappiness makes us a part of the law of cause and effect. This effort makes us suffer our past karmas.  The objective of Karma Yoga is to make us free from our past Karmas and redeem us from the law of cause and effect.

We make this unhappiness personal.  We think that we must do something to do away with this unhappiness otherwise we will remain unhappy forever. We always do something to cover up this unhappiness. This makes things absolutely mandatory.

The urge to do away with this continuously underlying unhappiness is the source of our desires. We start desiring worldly things and think that once we fulfil our desires, we will be happy, but this is not the case. The unhappiness goes for a little while and comes back again. It was only suppressed for some time and it starts flowing again. We see that others are apparently happy and we make our goals into what we see in others today. We fail to understand that the happiness we see in others is also apparent.  They are also in the same boat.

This desire to be what someone else is a method to cover the underlying unhappiness. It gets covered for some time, gets pressurised and come out with greater force. This causes us more trouble. The moment we desire, we fall back into the same cycle. We fail and the road leads to further suffering. The fact is that the uneasiness will come out, today or tomorrow it has to. So there is no point covering it up, but we should let it out slowly.

Karma Yoga says one should do one duty, without bother striving for happiness. It says, happiness and duty should be separated forever.  For us, generally, happiness means trying to do away with the underlying unhappiness. It says one need not strive for happiness, it is of no use. It will not go, but the happiness you gain will be temporary.  All our striving for happiness is nothing but foolishness. Our effort to do away with the unhappiness and strive for happiness makes us forget our duty.

There are two ways to work:

  1. One way is as a reaction to the underlying unhappiness – striving for happiness and with our little and foolish methods trying to cover the unhappiness.  Foolish because the unhappiness will come out with full force today or tomorrow if not allowed coming out. It takes its own time. If one works this way, he is falls into a trap and is affected by the law of cause and effect, he suffers has past karma.
  1. The second method (Karma Yoga) is to understand that one has nothing personal with the unhappiness at the moment and understanding that one was born with this underlying unhappiness. One has to understand that the external situation, whatever it may be is not the cause of this unhappiness that you are having inside – it is centuries old. In following Karma Yoga, One does not try to do away with the unhappiness but lets the unhappiness or uneasiness come out in its own accord. Without bothering about the unhappiness, one has to do ones duty as per the requirement of the present moment, do whatever is right at this moment, whatever it might be. This world is a dirty place, people are mad. And at the same time, one is born in this dirty world. Being born in this dirty world, one has no option but to have active participation in this world. This may sometime require you to be bad or even worse.

Karma Yoga says, a person, who does not bother about his underlying unhappiness, does not try to cover it up with petty desires of worldly things, and works continuously in this dirty world, doing good or bad, who does not bother about his reputation, and works as per the requirement of the moment – walks the path of Action or Karma Yoga.

In the path of Karma Yoga, one may encounter many blocks, which will make him utterly unhappy. The real Karma Yogi understands and remembers that these blocks or so called unhappiness or uneasiness or misery has nothing to do with the present situation. He ignores or keeps them aside and works towards his goal. Karma Yoga says as long as one does not bother to change his unhappiness into happiness, there is absolute freedom available to him – he may be required to be bad or even worse sometimes as the situation demands, but it will not have any effect on his soul.

Karma yoga takes you out of the cycle of birth and death. It relieves you of your past karmas. It makes you walk the path to Enlightenment.

Sukhadukhe same Krtwa, labhalabhau jayajayau, tato yuddhaya yuyjyasva naivam papamavapsyasi

(Treat joy and sorrow, victory and defeat, gain and loss alike and prepare yourself for battle. Do not fear that you will be sinning).

The Will and its Infinite Potential

There are time when we have to wake up at 4 o clock in a cold winter morning to catch a flight or a train. The moment the alarm rings,  we wake up. We feel like sleeping a little more, we do not feel like getting up at all. Who will wake up at 4 o clock in a cold winter morning, get ready, and go to catch a flight? This is the first thought we have the moment we get up. But we do get up, get ready, travel to the airport and catch the flight. What makes us do this in such a situation? It is the WILL. The mind says that we must not go, but the “will” takes us through. The will is responsible for action.
Sometimes in life, we have to face worst situations, we have faced and we have survived. What takes us through? The WILL.
We wake up everyday in the morning and go to work, we take care of our family, we talk to friends, we party – we do a lot of things – so much of doing is possible because of the presence of the WILL. The will becomes prominent when the situation around worsens as per the mind. The mind trembles, fears, but the will does not – all actions that we do everyday are because of the WILL. The will makes us act, or otherwise, we will remain confined to our minds. You have to understand that the will is not the mind. It is something different. If the will was the mind, then we would have all our lives done nothing.
The will comes into the picture when there is an obstacle in the path. We act because there are obstacles. Without the obstacle, there is no WILL and there is NO action. Smaller the obstacle, smaller the will. The will and the obstacle are directly proportional.
The WILL is neither the mind, nor the brain, then from where does the will come? It is the infinite, that is present within ourselves that gets converted into WILL. It is existence, it is the supreme intelligence that gets converted into the will – since humans are capable to converting this supreme intelligence, the intelligence of the universe into WILL, humans are infinite – we can go any extent – we can reach the stars – but we are restricted and confined by our small minds – this is our problem – because of our minds we remain restricted to small things – we do not dare to dream big.
The will comes into the picture whenever there is an obstruction – WILL makes you act – WILL is required for action – WILL comes into the picture whenever you need to stand straight in spite of severe conditions around you – There is thought and there is action – the thoughts are from the mind; both positive and negative thoughts – but the WILL makes you act on the thoughts – The WILL gives power to the thoughts –
If you dream big  – the obstacles will be more and greater will be the WILL – No matter how much you make the will stronger, the will can grow more in strength – it is in one word INFINITE – So human beings are also infinite. But we have not realized our true potential.
So to realize our true potential we must have goals which are very high – and we must with all our will take the challenge to realize  our goal – The Goal should be so high that it Brings out our true potential. To realize our true potential is to make our will so strong that it becomes equivalent to GOD – and then you are liberated.
If your mind is full of good thoughts, then the power of the WILL will translate these thoughts into action – Our goal should be action   at the highest level – because if we act at the highest level – we will require a WILL that is at the highest level and it will then lead us to LIBERATION.
Two things are required:
We must work in a way so as to make our WILL so strong that one day we are liberated – LIBERATION SHOULD BE OUR GOAL –

Greater the WILL – Greater the Freedom

Please Refer my post “Take Life as an Experiment”
If we know that we are free, then why are we not free, why are we scared, why are we miserable? If all actions are experiments then why are we not experimenting with something out of the world and living a miserable life today?
Why are we not aiming to reach the starts?

Why are we living a low life today?
What has happened to our utter freedom?
If the results are not in our control or if the results do not exist at all, then we should be free, there should be no misery at all,but why then we are so full of misery?
Where is our freedom to be free, though theoretically we should be utterly free?
The absence of results and presence of only action should give us the freedom to reach for the starts, it gives us freedom to be anything we want, but where is our utter freedom?
Why are we not free today to do anything we want?
Why are we not full of bliss and glory?
Why do we choose to be a beggar and not a millionaire?
Why cant we dream big and change our thoughts and dreams into reality?
Why can we not be the best in the world in any thing we do?
Why do not we aim to be be the best of the best?
As I told you, all actions are experiments, why do not we experiment with something worthwhile?
What has happened to us? Theoretically we are free – we are supposed to be free – but why are we not? This is the question. If it is theoretically possible, then practically it must be possible.So what stops it?

This is because we are only confined to our small minds. We make others goals as our goals. Our goals are limited to the goals of others. We cant think beyond. Our mind is very small and this world or rather this universe if open – infinite and unending. This is because we are result oriented and our results are what others are doing today. This is because we fear failure, which may happen tomorrow and fail to understand that tomorrow does not exist. The presence to tomorrow gives rise to the mind or the mind gives rise to results and tomorrow. This is because we make someone else’s goal into our tomorrow. This is because our mind tells us that we are small and cannot be big.We dream big, but we stop thinking that we will not be able to. This is because we think that we are helpless. This is because we think we can never be the best of the best.
Summarily – we are stopped by our mind – this mind is the barrier. We stop because we think we will not be able to move forward – WE STOP BECAUSE WE THINK THAT WE WILL STOP.
What can lead us through – IT IS THE “WILL”. One has to understand that the will is not the mind – the mind thinks, but the will makes us act – the mind gives the idea – and it is because of the will that we realize the Idea.
The mind gives you the dream, it gives you desires and at the same time it stops you from realizing them. It is through shear will power that one can overcome anything in this universe.
One has to understand that the will and the mind are opposites – the mind stops and the will overcomes, the will takes us through – greater the barrier (mind) – stronger the will – the will is divine- it is the divine that gets converted into will and it can grow to that extent that it can make you completely free – the will can make you infinite.

Take Life as an Experiment

We all are conducting experiments all our lives. Whatever we do is an experiment, but we are not aware of it. Let us see how.

We all know that, tomorrow is unknown – Rather i should say tomorrow does not exist – tomorrow is just speculation of the mind – OR THE KNOWLEDGE THAT TOMORROW EXISTS BRINGS THE MIND IN OR THE existance of the MIND MAKES TOMORROW. If tomorrow is just speculation then the results of all the actions that we do today are just speculations – they are not real – they are imaginary – they are based on what we have seen for others – if someone starts a business, we have seen that he has earned a lot of money and has become rich. We than start a business and also speculate that we will also earn a lot of money and fame. So the results of others become the result of ours. But in reality we do not know, but we keep speculating – all day and night we keep speculating. Or rather I should say, the Mind keeps speculating for speculation is its job, otherwise it is not needed – without the mind there is no tomorrow.

If tomorrow is not there, there results of the actions are not there – then the next moment is also a speculation -The results are also speculation – then at this moment, the action and the results merge into ONE AND THE SAME – or the results are the actions or actions are the results. You cannot have both. You have to decide – either you chose action or you chose results. There can be either doing or happening. There cannot be both together. At this moment, only one is possible.
For persons, who has decided to meditate, those who have decided to just sit, people with Gigantic Will like those of Gautama the Buddha, it was only happening – Initially it was doing, sitting is also doing, thinking is also doing -but with time it became ONLY HAPPENING. THERE WAS NO DOING AND ONLY HAPPENING. These people with Gigantic will, have decided not to act and let things happen and for them, it was only happening. No doing. These kind of people are very rare, because it requires tremendous will power and tremendous courage. But for others, for those who cannot leave this world, there is only action. There is only doing and no happening. For these people, action and all and no results. Initially results will be in the mind, but with will power and understanding, there remains only action.
For both, initially it is doing, and later it becomes happening. Both the roads lead to the same truth.
We are result oriented – we first speculate the result and then action begins for us. The Idea of the result is from the outside – we see someone doing well in a certain profession, we make that profession into a goal – and make his results our own result and start working; success and failure depends on whether we achieve what he has achieved. WE MAKE HIS TODAY OUR TOMORROW. WHAT WE SEE TODAY, BECOMES OUR TOMORROW – someone sees us do something, he also makes my goal as his..and then many people are chasing the same goal, hundreds are chasing the same dream – then starts competition, who reaches first, who earns more wealth – who has a better position in society – thus in the competition, it becomes either you or me..we become separated – we become divided into “you” and “I”. This leads to the formation of the “I”, the ego. There is always a race to superiority.
So the results do not exist. There is either only action or only happening. We need to work, we need to earn a living, but at the same time we have to live in this world of misery – there is fear, there is failure and all other things.
Since there is nothing which is a result and result is nothing but a speculation – we have utter freedom now. We are frozen because we think from the point of the result. The question comes what will happen if we fail, and this stops us from exploring this world. We do not explore. We do not dare to explore.
You can either unknowingly perform experiments or You can purposely perform experiments, using your will.
My suggestion is whatever you do, you do it as an experiment – will fully. What happens in an experiment? There is a procedure and there are observations. You follow the procedure, and just observe the results – remember JUST OBSERVE. In an experiment, there is no failure or success. There are only observations. So you observe – DO AND OBSERVE – DO AND OBSERVE.
All your actions till date have been experiments only – we did the experiments unknowingly – or we did not experiment at all – the fear of failure stopped us from conducting experiments with life – 
If you feel today that you are a failure – look at the past as if you had conducted all experiments and all the so called “results” were  just observations – neither failure nor success – and also promise that all your actions will be just experiments – and you will observe the results – just observe!
Everyone of us are conducting experiments throughout our lives – day in and day out -but we are unaware that we are conducting experiments – whatever we do are no more than experiments – because there are no results as I have said before. When the results do not exist, whatever we do it is no more than experiments. This has to be remembered.
Everyone is conducting experiments – the person who is happy and successful and the person who is sad and a failure – success but they are not aware of it. They think that they are successful or a failure – they are unaware of the fact that they are just observing the results and the results are either making them happy or sad. They are connecting themselves to the results rather than observing.
The results are different and the happiness and sadness that comes with the result are different. Sadness comes or happiness comes when you fail to observe the result, but you become the result.Then you are not the observer, then you are the observed. You become success or failure  – but you should be only watching or observing the results.

The Walking Experiment – To Know the Inner Voice

If we watch ourselves carefully, we will know that we are always in a hurry. Whatever we are doing, walking, eating, driving, working, we are always in a hurry to finish. But we do not know the reason for our hurried-ness  We do not know what will we do after we finish what we are doing now. But we are always in the hurry to finish.

This hurried-ness comes is unconsciousness. We don’t know but we hurry. If you read my post “Why we hate? – The exercise”, you will know that we are not one, but we are divided into so many identities. Some of then we are already and the other identities, we want to be. But this whole thing is imaginary. All the “I”s are imaginary.

We are in a hurry because, we fear that if we are late, we might cease to be what we think we are, we may no longer be the “I” we think we are. These “I”s make us who we are, otherwise who we would be. But the strangest part is that, all these “I”s are imaginary and we keep chasing and protecting these “I”s all our lives. It is just like you imagine someone has thrown a ball high up, an imaginary ball, thrown high up by an imaginary person, and you run to catch the imaginary ball in reality. This is madness.

All those things that are in your mind are imaginary, they cannot be real, but take them to be real, they make us who we are, how can we let them go? The only reality is here and now.

In your mind, automatically you are put in a situation, good or bad, whatever, and then another “I” emerges rationalizes the situation. If it is a bad situation, the “I” says “don’t worry everything will be fine” and if it is a good situation, you rejoice in your imagination. But the unfortunate part is that everything is imaginary, except what you are doing here and now.

In your mind, several “I”s emerge and they keep talking with each other and the “Real” you does something else. But we are not able to do something else, we get involved in the argument or discussion between the “i”s in our mind. By “We” I mean another “I”, forms and takes part in the mental discussion. Two “I”s are discussing and we take the form of another “I” and join the discussion in our mind, all imaginary. “I” after “I” forms and we are lost in the discussion.

The moment we take part in the discussion, we are lost from the real world. If we are walking our walk takes the rhythm of the discussion that is going on. If we are driving, our driving takes the rhythm of the inner talk. This happens because we remain unaware of the inner talk. The moment you are aware of the inner talks, the inner talk stops.

Most of us are unaware of this inner talk. I have devised an exercise that would let you know your inner talk. It is as follows:

Most of the time, when we are walking with someone, we see that the speed of our walk increases and becomes very fast. We are continuously talking and our walking gets faster and faster and reaches a point where our legs start to ache. Then we slow down. Till the time, our legs did not ache, we did not realize that we are walking so fast. But we did not start with an intention or objective to walk fast. But it happened. This happened because, our walk took the rhythm of our talk.

The same happens when you are walking alone. We start slow but then the speed increases when we have walked for some time. We think we are alone but we are not. What will happen to all these “I”s. We are actually many, may be hundreds, all alive and kicking! They are talking discussing their survival strategies. And every moment another “I” emerge and take part in the discussion, all imaginary, but we think that it is us.

The walking exercise:

  1. Start walking alone on a road or a park, a place which is not so crowded

  2. With time your speed will increase but you will not know about it.So I suggest you put an alarm so that it reminds you in 10 minutes time after you have started.

  3. The moment the alarm rings – stop for 5 minutes – you may sit, if you find a place to sit nearby

  4. Just watch your mind – The thoughts and you walk were “synergizing” each other. They were moving at a same speed, the thoughts in your mind, and your walk. The thoughts had also taken up a momentum. The moment you stop walking and sit. The thoughts, having a momentum, will continue in the same speed for some time. This is the time, when you will come to know your inner chatter very clearly.

  5. Start walking very slowly after 5 minutes of sitting. – I mean very slowly – you will notice that the chatter will be minimum when you walk very slowly. Keep walking for 10 minutes very slowly. In these ten minutes, if you are aware, you will slowly feel that, as time is passing after you have started walking slowly, the intensity of the inner chatter is increasing very slowly.

These 5 steps will very clearly let you know you inner chatter. It will let you know what you are thinking all the time. You are discussing all the time in your mind. In step 4, when you watch your mind, things will be very clear. If you continue with this exercise for 5 days, you will know all your major inner arguments, because our arguments are all repetitive.

Once you know your inner chatter, you will realize that you are not actually who you think you are. You will come to know that you are most of the time an imaginary identity in your mind, discussing with all other identities.

Then your actions will change, because, you will earlier only aware of the inner chatter and took it for reality. Now you will have options, whether to act as per the requirement of this moment or go as per the inner imaginary chatter in your mind.

These imaginary identities are kept alive only by thinking. The more you are unconscious, lost in your mind, the more they are prominent and alive. The more you throw the light of your awareness on them, they vanish.  This is the reason why humans are always thinking, they need time to think, they need time for relaxation, so that they can always think, unconsciously, and keep them alive.

Knowing your inner imaginary chatter, and understanding that it is all imaginary and acting as per the requirement of the moment will completely change your life for the better.

Why We Hate? – The Exercise

This is a continuation of my post – “Why we hate?”. As I have always said, in order to like or love, you have to first eliminate hate. You cannot forcibly eliminate hate or forcibly love. Love is always there, but it is clouded by hate. You have to remove hate by understanding. Once hate has been removed by understanding, love will automatically happen. So our effort should not be to love, but to remove hate.

I have written about an exercise in my post – “why we hate?”. I am doing the exercise myself, to make you understand clearly what I meant in my previous post.

I have made three columns – The first column contains all the “I”s. It contains what makes us who we are, in the second column I have written the person or the situation that make us who we are and in the third column I have written when we start hating the person responsible for making who we are.

What makes you “YOU” Person/Things concerned that makes You “YOU” When we think that we are in trouble and hate the person concerned
I am a good person Society The society has given you a label of a good person. If one or more person in the society calls you bad or not so good, you start hating that person and love those who call us good
I am 30 years old Society Any one who calls you older or younger that what you are, you start hating that person
I am a son/Daughter Father/Mother If by any change, my parents disown me, we become depressed
I am a father/Mother Son/Daughter When your son or daughter leaves you, you become sad
I am a husband/wife Husband/wife When we go through a divorce, we suffer and ultimately start hating the spouse of causing you so much trouble
I have a good looking husband/wife Society Someone says your spouse in ugly, you hate that person
I am good looking Society Someone calls you ugly – you hate that person
I have a healthy body Myself/society Someone comments that you are looking sick and down, you hate that person
I am a friend My Friends when your friends leaves you (goes to another city) or when he is no longer a friend, when he no longer listens to you, hatred slowly develops
I am an Employee in a Reputed Company Company when the company asks you to leave, you hate it.
I am the owner of a car My Car When you car is no longer your car or is stolen or has been damaged or has broken down, you are sad and eventually think about selling your car – you start hating your car or the person who lead to that situation
I am the owner of a house My House When you have to sell your house for some reason or the other you feel sad
I have money in my account The money when you loose money, you are worried and sad
I am famous in my fiend circle My Friend circle when you lose importance in your friend circle, you are sad
I am educated My school/College when someone calls you that you are behaving like an uneducated person, you hate that person
I am a student My school/College When, due to some reason or the other, you are asked to leave you school, you hate you school or college
I am a teacher My students When one or more students leave you, you are sad
I am someone’s adviser The person(s) I advise When the person who seeks advise from you no longer does so, you are initially sad, and then start to hate that person
My Goals Person/Things concerned that will make us achieve our goals. When we think that we are in trouble and start hating the other
I want to be rich Money (Through work or Business) When you lose you job or your business suffers or when you lose money you are sad and hate the person who is responsible for this loss
I want a promotion My Manager You hate you manager for promoting some other employee instead of you
I want to start a business Money, Idea, Co-founders, Customers Someone does not invest in your company, someone disagrees to lend you money, your team disintegrates and all of then join another person, or you business has started and then somehow your products don’t see, your prospective customers do not buy you product – you start hating the person responsible for not allowing you to start a business
I want to be famous & renowned Society The society does not consider you famous. You hate to live in the same society and change your city or may be country (some people do change countries)
I want to be a writer My Idea, Publisher, Readers You do not have a proper Idea – you hate yourself, you find someone already has the same idea and has already published – you hate yourself, your publisher does not agree to publish your book -you hate the publisher, the readers do not consider you a good writer – you start cursing all of them you has disagreed
I want a bigger car Money Somehow you are not able to have that money required to buy your favorite car – you hate the person or the situation responsible
I want a bigger house Money Somehow you are not able to have that money required to buy your favorite car – you hate the person or the situation responsible
I want another kid spouse Your wife does not agree for another baby, you hate you wife and may be you will think about divorce
I want to look good Society Someone says that you cannot be that good looking – you hate all the people who have said that you cannot be that beautiful
I want a good looking spouse Spouse You will not marry till the time you find the person of your choice – any by any chance if he or she is not upto the mark, you will hate her
I want a rich spouse Spouse Your spouse was rich when you married, but due to some reason or the other, he has lost all the money – you hate him or her an eventually think about divorce
Since I am good, I want all my colleagues to like me Colleagues You will hate the colleague who says that you are not good
I want the whole world to love me, whoever I meet the whole world This is not possible – you will hate the whole world and eventually hate yourself for not being that good so that everyone loves you
I want a peaceful life situations around Life keeps changing all the time – in case there is a crisis – you will hate yourself and you will be suicidal
Every 3 months I want a vacation Money, Time, Manager There are possibilities that you may not have money, your manager did not approve you leave application, may be your have other more important work and you had to skip your vacation – you will start hating every person or situation that did not allow you to have the vacation
I want to tour the world Money There are possibilities that you may not have money, your manager did not approve you leave application, may be your have other more important work and you had to skip your vacation – you will start hating every person or situation that did not allow you to have the vacation

The whole of the first column is imaginary and it is called your ego. These are all desires and they help you to be who you are. Otherwise who will you be? But all these things are cause of your trouble. Whole life, in order to realize these identities, we chase one thing or the other. If these are imaginary, than what is real? The place where you are reading this post is real. This moment – here and now is real. Everything else is just a dream. You you watch yourself – your actions and your thoughts very carefully, you will see that every single word uttered or every effort made is towards realizing the “I”s in the first column.

We hate when someone does not help us realize our first column. All our hatred arises from our desire to keep the “I”s alive. Anyone against this first column of ours, he is our greatest enemy.

The moment you know these identities of yours, these “I”s, you will know why you hate. The moment hate comes, if you are aware, you will be relate between your hate and your imaginary Identity, your “I”.

We search for peace of mind. We search for happiness. But how can we be happy and satisfied when we have much to do. Each “I” interferes with the other. And after all, trying to have peace of mind is also an attempt to realize one of the “I”s.

For someone like Gautama, the Buddha, the first column is Blank. This leads to the peak of “peace of mind” that a human being can attain. It leads to enlightenment. It does not happen by making – “peace of mind” a goal, else it would be one of the contents of your first column, but by doing away with the goal.

Having “peace of mind” as a goal is an interesting topic for discussion. We will discuss about it in another post.

We cannot do away with the first column, it does not happen so drastically But if we, GIVE A PAUSE, between our actions, if we watch ourselves, if we develop awareness, we will have a choice. You will know the driving driving force behind every action of yours. The driving force has enormous momentum, the moment you pause, the momentum is lost and you can then change you action from what your mind is saying and what is requirement of the moment.  Then these “I”s do exist for sometime, but they do not have any power on you . Yo being to change.

What is belief?

This is the most important post as far as knowing consciousness is concerned.


All my life I have been wondering what exactly is belief. There was a time when I used to go to a psychiatrist   for counselling. She always told me to believe. I never understood. I asked the same question to her again and again. It was never clear. My parents told me to believe in god. I never believed. I tried my level best to by I could not. I, being a Hindu, visited many temples. But could not believe. I thought, what good is going to happen if I pray? And this is all waste of time. Somehow I did not believe.
But do you think I did not believe anything? I did. I believed always in the bad. I was conditioned that way. 

Conditioning means “Filling-up”. “Filling up” is just a word, to make you understand, because consciousness cannot be understood, neither can it be defined. For defining you need boundaries, coordinates, but it has none. It is eternity. It has not end.

Space cannot be defined. Space can be known. To make you know, I have to first create an object, which can be defined and then remove it. Thus creating space in the place where the object was placed. Creation of space can be only known this way. This is why I have used the word “Filling-up”. Just to make you know “object” and when the object is removed, you know space.

Similarly internal spaces can be known, when there is some object inside you, somewhere some block, some internal occupant, some uneasiness. When this is dissolved, space will be created. Or when you can go beyond it, more space is available. These blocks are your thoughts, argument and emotions.

These internal arguments happen whenever there is a block. An external situation which we resist creates a blockage, to do away with this blockage we argue internally or may be sometimes we argue loudly also. This block can be felt in the form of an uneasiness inside our body.But this argument is again based on knowledge that we have gained till date. It is based on logic. It is old. It cannot solve a present problem.  So the internal argument with the present situation continues and continues till it subsides on its own. By the time this argument stops, other arguments have started. This is an unending process. 

The more unwanted the situation, greater the block, more thee uneasiness and louder the argument inside. In these times, in times of crisis, of deep crisis, when the uneasiness becomes very prominent and the argument becomes very loud that you can hear yourself talk, the “filled up” can be detected. Once you detect, you become aware of the “filled-up”, and at the same time you become aware of consciousness. You come to know that despite of the deep crisis, you can still move. You change.The block or the uneasiness comes first. Then comes the internal arguments to rationalize the situation, in order to do away with the uneasiness inside your body. But these internal arguments can never do away with the uneasiness, because all arguments are old and what has one up in this “present moment” is something new, something unknown, that is why it is unwanted.

The argument comes when you are not able to see the end you use all your knowledge and logic, but still cannot see the end. The uneasiness and the inner argument increases and can be detected.

All your arguments will fail  or will continue till your death and may be beyond that ,because you cannot solve some unknown problem with something that you know.

So to know space, you have to first know the blocks, the obstructions, the lack of space. The awareness of this blocks, which are your thoughts, arguments and emotions will lead to knowing of more spaces or creation of spaces inside. Only then space can be understood. Otherwise not.

For creation of the spaces, blocks are essential.

Consciousness can never be filled up. There cannot be a block as large as consciousness. Consciousness is unending.  It is vast, unending, unfathomable. There is always space available. It is lack of awareness of the blocks that leads to “Filling Up”. Then there is no space left for anything else to enter. Only awareness has to be increases, awareness of the blocks inside.

The job of the Master is not to show you space or to make you know consciousness. The master creates obstacles “Fills up” and when you know that you are filled up, you try to find a way out and this creates awareness and the you become aware of the unending, unfathomable spaces inside you.Whenever there is a crisis in your life, know that the supreme intelligence, the only master is trying to make you aware. Be alert, be aware and you will know. Existence is giving you an opportunity to know the vast unending and unfathomable spaces available to you.

I did not believe in the good may be because all my life, I did not have this insight, that there is consciousness, that goes much beyond the “Filled-up”. I did not believe until one day.

When you have no uneasiness or no internal argument, no matter what happens, you have started to believe. Then belief gets converted to faith.

Let us see what belief is.

If I tell you that tomorrow all your problems will be solved? Will you believe?

If I tell you that tomorrow morning, you will see an apple growing in a mango tree. Would you believe?
If you are a software engineer and I tell you that tomorrow you will be a Movie Star? Would you believe?

If I tell you will receive the Nobel Prize? Will you believe?

If I tell you that tomorrow you will earn $ 1 Million out of the blue? Will you believe?

If I tell you that if you try, you can fly? Will you believer?

If I tell you that if you jump from the Empire State Building and will survive? Will you believe?

If I tell you that you will live 200 years? Will you believe?

If someone asks you to believe the above statements at gunpoint, imagine the kind of uneasiness and internal arguments it will create. This is the uneasiness, I am talking about.

I can bet that you will not believe in any of the above. Have you ever thought why? What is stopping you from believing in all the above. 

It is the knowledge that you gained in the past, the knowledge that you have accumulated over the years, it is the knowledge that makes up your mind stops your from believing that all these things will happen.

If I tell you tomorrow all your problems will be solved. Your knowledge, in the form of the inner voice, will say there are so many problems, and each of them is so complicated, my girlfriend has left and I am so mentally depressed, I have lost my job and I don’t think that I will get a job tomorrow, I don’t have a good professional track record, I have very little money and so many things to do. How can all my problems be solved overnight. It will take years to solve all these problems.

Your whole argument against my statement “All your problems will be solved tomorrow” will be based on your accumulated knowledge. There is nothing else with you, with which you will argue, but your past knowledge. This  knowledge is your mind. All you will argue with is with your logic. All arguments are logical. We tend to find logical reasons to argue. With our accumulated knowledge, tend to give reasons why  something will happen or not happen. It is true, because we have nothing else. 

If I tell you that tomorrow you will receive $ 1 Million. You will invariably call me a mad man. You logic will tell you, your knowledge will tell you that this is absolutely not possible. You will say “this is the middle of the month, your little salary  is still 15 days away, getting a million dollars is out of question, it is impossible”. You straight away went to your salary, you did not think about anything else. Yes, because your argument is perfectly logical. And you do not believe. We always refer to our knowledge for Believing or Not believing. 

This is because we immediately want to arrive at a conclusion. We are not comfortable with not knowing. The day we are comfortable with not knowing, spaces or consciousness have been created. Know that you are in the right direction.

For every statement of mine you have a LOGICAL argument. You will invariably argue. Either the argument will be internal or you will argue loudly. But you will argue. You will raise many question. You will raise doubts about my statement. You will try to logically convince me that what I am saying is impossible.

Knowledge or mind based logical arguments, internal or external arguments is NOT BELIEVING. Not having this internal argument at all is BELIEVING. 

All our internal arguments are against believing. All your internal resistance is against believing. All our inner argument and resistance is the cause of our negativity, because there is no space to take in the good.

Let me give you and example.  This is very important. Take the case of a child. A child always receives gifts form Santa Clause. No matter who buys and keeps the gift in the bag. He receives it. He gets what he wants. Why? Because his logic and knowledge does not interfere with the existence or no existence of Santa Clause. His logic and knowledge has not developed to that extent. He believes without a question or inner argument. And it happens.

To believe we all have to become children. 

So, life goes beyond logic. Things do not happen with us because we argue, we interfere, with what is being said and we DON’T BELIEVE. But the child BELIEVES and it happens with him. This is the only difference.

This proves that belief can make the impossible, possible. The statement is the beginning of this post is true.

Our logic and knowledge based inner argument is the obstacle to every good thing that can happen in our lives. We block it with inner argument. The day it stops, we will start believing and then, things will just happen without any effort. If the inner argument stops, we all will become a child and will start believing. Things are bound to change for the better. I can bet.

To take in what is being said, to believe, space is required. Otherwise, where will we take in what is being said. That is why I always talk about creating consciousness. Consciousness is noting but spaces within. Spaces will be created when files in our memory are deleted or removed or when we are aware of the filed and they automatically deleted.

Another analogy – The knowledge that constitute your mind are like springs. No matter how much you press them, they are always ready to come back to their original form and occupy space. You must have experienced, no matter how much you try not to think, the thoughts always comes. You just cannot avoid thinking and arguing. For some time, if you force another thought or doing another thing, you get mentally strained or you are not able to concentrate. Not able to concentrate means, that the springs have come back to the original size and shape.

In the mind of the child, there are no springs (Thoughts or knowledge). It is empty. There is no one to argue or oppose. Anything new it goes inside without opposition or without resistance or argument. Whatever is said, he believes, and it happens.

For us, when someone tells us something, that goes beyond logic, the springs the pressed, but the next moment, the spring come back to shape. The inner argument is nothing but the spring trying to come back to its original shape. You must have experienced, that it is very difficult sometimes, to get something new in our minds. This difficulty is because of the existing springs opposing the new thought from entering. This existing springs (thoughts) are the inner resistance, the argument. This inner argument (existing springs) makes us NOT TO BELIEVE. 

The spaces are available with all of us, but they are occupied with strong springs. To believe, only one thing is required – That is space or what is known as consciousness.

There are two options available with you to access the space. 

1. You Either destroy the springs (Your mind, your knowledge) completely  – This is the path of Action OR

2. You find spaces beyond the springs (Thoughts, knowledge, mind) and let the springs (Thoughts, knowledge, mind) do whatever they want. Do not strain them, let the springs be, because there is unlimited space available to all of us – This is the path of meditation.

Please let me know what you comments are. If  can be of any help to you.

Understanding Innovation

Innovation is surely not a myth.  But being the innovator is a myth. 
All ‘goals and objectives’ to Innovate is a myth. You simply cannot innovate. You cannot forcibly make innovation happen. You cannot create anything by wanting to create.

But we seem to spend millions of dollars to innovate. Companies spend millions of dollars hiring the best people to innovate. 

What they do is they force Innovation. They create teams, create goals and timelines to Innovate. It has become a rule that every company should Innovate to survive.  Yes, companies need to innovate to survive. But the fact is that innovation cannot be forced.

The moment you make innovation into a goal. It doesn’t happen. Any goal is of the mind. It is known. Anything you aim, you objective will be one of the files in your memory.

Making innovation into a goal is the greatest obstacle to innovation.


Creation is the job of Nature. Nature is constantly creating.You start creating when you align yourself with nature. Innovation happens when you become an agent of “Existence”.

One must understand that innovation is bringing the new into this world. And the new cannot be brought about by thinking. Thinking is just browsing through the files of stored in our memory. All that is there in the memory is dead. It is old. It is all the matter that we have accumulated by our conditioning. It is all the information that we have gathered from books, television, magazines, movies and other media. 

You can only take-in things that already exist. How can you take in something that does not exist? So your memory consists of the old, the used and that already exists. 

You cannot take-in anything that is not yet. You have to create it first, and then take in. This shows that all that has been taken-in is Old. All the memory is old and all thinking is  browsing through the old. Thinking cannot be innovation or creation.

Most of the time or almost all the time, we are searching through our own database, our memory. How can we create? Our memory is Old. Things we would create will  also be old. We go into auto mode or rather I would say, we are all the time in auto thinking mode. We Automatically go into thinking or imagination mode and what all we imagine or think is all memory. Innovation becomes Impossible.

You must have experienced that thinking and imagination happens on its own. It has become natural. We cannot stay without thinking. It has now become very difficult to be here and now and not think. We are most of the time lost in thought. It takes a lot of effort to come to this moment. We are no more natural. We have become abnormal.

Now you know why we cannot create the new or Innovate. 

If you read my previous posts that there is a voice in our head, which is the voice of the ego. We are one with the voice. This voice is old. The more we are with the voice, we remain old, we remain confined to our memory. We cannot innovate.
Innovations happens on its own, whenever we are not with the voice. There are moments when we are not with the voice and during these moments, you become an agent for existence to work through you. 

Creation happens when the “Knower” within has evolved and the “Actor” has separated itself from the voice.

It is as if the programming has been completely removed. The memory has been deleted. 

A robot, in this situation, would have failed. The robot would have stood still because all the the instructions in its memory has been removed. But a human will not. He will start responding to this moment. He will act even if there is nothing in its memory. He will start learning. He will see and learn, watch others and learn. Just like a child. Without the memory the man becomes a child again. 

And this is Pure Intelligence, the intelligence of a child. Not memory, but intelligence. Remember memory is not intelligence. 

Intelligence is the ability to respond to the need of this moment, when you don’t know what to do, never taught what to do, never learnt what to do. Just pure action. This is what separates Intelligence from Artificial Intelligence.

Under such circumstance, using pure intelligence and no memory, INNOVATION happens.

Innovation cannot be thought, It cannot be aimed. It cannot be planned. It cannot be taught. It cannot be learnt. It cannot be made into a goal or Objective.

In other words, innovation happens when thinking stops and intelligence takes over.

The truth is “Innovations just happens” and it happens in Consciousness. It happens when you become the agent of the “Supreme Intelligence”, the only intelligence.