When She is, I am Not.

Sometimes She takes you away from what you are doing so that she can act on it. When you are on it, she cannot act on it. So she takes you away. She feels her intervention is necessary.

She takes you to a state of non-doing, so that she can act on things.

She physically engages an ordinary person elsewhere away from what he is doing so that She can play her role. 

She makes an enlightened person empty, alert, makes him more meditative, a little afraid, takes him to a state of non-doing, thus deactivating him so that she can act on it. 

She is the ultimate force – She is the direction – She is all.

There is no breaking point

The divine force is acting on me, but how do I know what it is up to?

When the divine force acts, things that are there seem to fall apart. It is not that one day it will act hard and things will fall apart in reality.

It has already acted and it has thrown things apart – There is nothing more to happen. Whatever had to be thrown away has been thrown away. 

There is no breaking point. It has already broken. 

So, the thought that things will break or fall apart when the “result” comes, is false. It has broken and the emptiness is the proof. There is nothing more to break. 

The force is acting but it does not find any resistance, so it feels empty – as if there is nothing to stop this force – like in zero gravity. 

There is no evidence of the Divine Force

There are two forces. The Divine force and the other is resistance, which is an opposing force. The opposing force is the past – called the mind. The divine force always moves forward. The divine force is always acting on each one of us trying to take us forward, but the opposing force pulls us back into the past. 

The opposing force is like gravity – and when the divine force is able to break out from the past (mind), there is no resistance. It feels like a void. The Divine force is still acting, but there is no resistance – we feel there is nothing to stop us and it feels like a void – it is the absence of the past. Sometimes the divine force is fast, the void is felt more, sometimes it is slow, the void is felt less. 

When the past has been left behind – there is no connection of the physical body with the past (mind), the divine force is still acting but we do not feel it or know that it is acting. 

Since there is no resistance, the effects of the Divine force cannot be known or felt. We know only when there is resistance. Or in other words, we would not  have any evidence of the force that is acting on us. Any feeling or evidence of the force at the physical, mental or at the level of the senses would mean resistance. Since there is no resistance (as the mind was the only resistance), the Divine force cannot be felt, physically, mentally or by the senses. It would seem nothing is happening. But we should not forget that without any resistance, the Divine force is acting like never before – making the necessary changes – but there is no way I can know it. 

The only evidence is the feeling of the void, or lack of the mind, is the proof. But what change it is making cannot be known. It will surface one day when it crosses a certain threshold. 

When the divine force acts, it seems things are going negative. Why? Because as we are going away from the mind or leaving the mind behind, it seems things that we have (have been having) are going away from us – when basically we are going away from them.

Whenever we are negative, when we feel the void (which is also negative) we must know that the divine force is acting on us. One is afraid because it seems things are falling apart. The presence of the void is the proof of disconnection with the mind (past) and the acting of the Divine force.

For an enlightened man, who is already disconnected from the mind, nothing falls apart when the divine force acts , as the physical body does not connect with the mind or the past. The divine force does not interfere with the mind and via the mind his physical body. Thus the physical body is also disconnected from the mind. He has already given up whatever he had to give – now there is nothing to give up. After enlightenment, whatever he has is permanent.

Had be been connected to the mind, in other words, before his enlightenment, things would have fallen apart in his life.

The Divine Force

The divine force is always acting on you. The force is felt because the mind resists. One feels pain and sorrow because the divine force pull us towards itself, while the mind acts as a resistance. But the Divine force keeps pushing us in a direction so as to perform Divine work.

The fact the we feel the force in the form of pain or sorrow is the proof that there are two forces. One resists the other. If there was only one force, we would not have felt anything. There would be no resistance.

Initially we are in the mind. We are a part of the mind, but with the passage of time, the divine force slowly pulls us towards itself and ultimately we are released from the mind. The whole process, from the time the divine force becomes predominant, we feel the resistance to the divine force in the form of sorrow.

Once released from the mind, we are in the hands of the divine. The divine freely acts through us. The force acts on this world through us. But now the force is not felt at all as there is no resistance. We feel there is nothing happening. We feel our effors are going down the drain, but it is not, there is no resistance so nothing is felt, neither inside or outside, but it is making a tremendous mark on this world. One will never feel that the force is making its mark, but it is throwing things around. The change is felt by others, but not by the person causing the change.

The divine force always acts through one individual.